Delivery Sites
Hello! We are pleased to announce the release of our latest issue of Fronteras Comunes. They are hot off the Eagle's press Monday morning! Our volunteer members will be driving them to the following sites. Please allow a few weeks for delivery. If you would like copies right away for you or your family OR you do not see your business on the route below, no problem. JUST CALL US or EMAIL and we can meet up! PHONE: 413-347-9681, EMAIL:,
Fronteras Comunes bilingual zine Drop-off spots: 2014
Canaan, CT
Mexican Restaurant
South County:
Great Barrington, MA
CHP, South Main St.
Guido's, South Main St.
Monte Alban, Annex, Main St.
Taqueria Azteca, Annex, Main St.
Cinema Center (behind Monte Alban)
Punto de Encuentro (behind Monte Alban)
Fuel Coffee Shop, Main St.
The Berkshire Coop, Bridge St.
Chico's Mexican Restaurant, Rt. 7
Cafe Adam, Rt. 7
Gypsy Joint, Rt. 7
Riverbend Cafe, Rt. 7 (in front of Berkshire South entrance)
Berkshire South, Rt. 7
Lenox, MA
Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health
Central County:
Ben and Jerry's, South St.
Berkshire Museum, South St.
The Colonial Theater, South St.
Pancho's Mexican Restaurant, North St.
International Market, North St.
Laundromat, North St.
Empire and Liberty Pizza, North St.
Christian Center, Linden St.
Recovery Learning Center, North St.
Ad Lib, North St.
Bus Station, North St.
Indian Restaurant, North St.
CHP, 510 North St.
BMC Hospital, North St.
Elizabeth Freeman Center, Francis Ave.
BCC, Intermodal Transport. and West. St. campus
Brien Center waiting rooms , 333 Fenn St. and (preferrably all sites)
La Fogata, Tyler St.
Saldana Express, Tyler St.
African Cultural Market, Elm St.
Juice and Java, Elm St.
Guido's, Pittsfield Lenox Rd.
North County:
Wild Oats Food Coop, Williamstown, MA
Thai Restaurant, Spring St.
Pappa's Delli, Spring St.
Tunnel City Coffee, Spring St. end
Images Cinema and Cafe, Spring St.
Williams College Museum of Art, Main St.
Clark Art Institute,
'52 Center for the Arts, Williams College
Williams College campus buildings
Desperados Mexican Restaurant
Coyote Flaco Latin Restaurant. Rt. 7
Stone Soup, Adams, MA
Cafe Topia, Adams, MA
Library, Adams, MA
North Adams:
Mass Moca, North Adams, MA
Gallery 51, North Adams, MA
Brew HaHa, North Adams, MA
Tangiers, Main St., North Adams, MA
Berkshire Theater, Main St., North Adams, MA
Library, North Adams, MA
Northen Berkshire Community Coalition office
AFSC Office, Florence, MA
Main St., Northampton, MA
Hudson, NY
Just a quick note from our layout artisan: Our zine is much anticipated as it is being released two months later than expected. We apologize for the delay, but I was new learning the ropes of lay-out design. We were very sad to see Leo Sanchez move away (miss you Leo) after three years of his deligent editing and lay-out design for our quarterly zines. I was quick to want to try it but found out it was not as easy as it looked. Everytime I would think it was ready there would be some type of glitch or the Eagle would inform me that I needed to fix a few bugs in the design, BUT I have larned the ropes and am happy to announce I've laid out our design for our winter issue, though we sure could use a few more local contributing wiriters and artists. We thank the Markhand Nathan Fund for making this zine possible. The Markham Nathan Fund for Social Justice - Empowering The Movement, Creating Community! Nicole